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Supporting educational programs designed to meet the unique needs of students with disabilities.
Federal Programs
School Improvement

Office of
Innovative Instruction

1752 Twin Towers East
205 Jesse Hill Jr. Drive SE
Atlanta, GA 30334
 (404) 657-9963
 (404) 463-0441

Debbie Gay
Director, Special Education Services and Supports

1870 Twin Towers East
205 Jesse Hill Jr. Drive SE
Atlanta, GA 30334
 (404) 656-3963
 (404) 651-6457

 Staff Contact List

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No Child Left Behind
State Education Rules

Significant Developmental Delay

The term significant developmental delay refers to a delay in a child’s development in adaptive behavior, cognition, communication, motor development or emotional development to the extent that, if not provided with special intervention, the delay may adversely affect a child’s educational performance in age-appropriate activities. The term does not apply to children who are experiencing a slight or temporary lag in one or more areas of development, or a delay which is primarily due to environmental, cultural, or economic disadvantage or lack of experience in age appropriate activities. The SDD eligibility may be used for children from ages three through nine (the end of the school year in which the child turns nine). [See 34 C.F.R. § 300.8(b)]

Staff Contact

Jan E. Stevenson
619 Coordinator/Young Children Consultant
1870 Twin Towers East
205 Jesse Hill Jr. Drive SE
Atlanta, GA 30334
Tel: (404) 657-9965
Fax: (770) 344-4463


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